Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009

tak pernah aku mengerti
apa yang kini ku rasakan
kegelisahan hatiku saat ini

ku masih merindukanmu
walaupun kini ku tlah bersamanya
tak pernah mampu ku coba lupakanmu

sungguh tak bisa
ku mengganti dirimu dengan dirinya
sungguh tak sanggup
aku berpaling darimu
sungguh tak bisa
mencintainya tuk melupakanmu
sungguh tak sanggup
aku berpindah dari hatimu

Minggu, 18 Oktober 2009



Gejolak yang membuncah memenuhi dada ini…
Bersama asa yang rindu mendalam…
Dari hamba yang berlumur dosa dan kealpaan…
Berharap dapat bersua dengan-Mu…
Wahai Rabbul`alamiin…

Dengan taubat ku berharap…
Kuatkan jiwa ini mendatanginya…
Kokohkan langkah kaki ini menempuhnya…
Azzamkan niat ini dalam mencapainya…
Ikhlaskan hati ini menjalaninya…

Aku rindu…aku rindu…aku rindu…
Rindu berjumpa dengan-Mu dalam SYAHADAH…
Rindu bersua dengan-Mu dalam IMAN…
Rindu bersama-Mu dalam TAUHID…
Rindu indahnya hidup dalam naungan ridha-Mu…
Syari`at ISLAM…Daulah ISLAM…Khilafah ISLAM

Duhai Alloh yang tiada sekutu bagi-Mu…
Hantarkanlah kerinduanku ini…
Tuk raih cita-cita…

Aku berharap termasuk yang Kau hantarkan….
Ridhai dan kabulkanlah…
Amien ya Alloh, ya Rabbal`alamiin…

Rabu, 12 Agustus 2009




kra2 konsekuensi gag ikudh krnval apa iyh??????

Selasa, 04 Agustus 2009

Maii SKulz..!!


SKUl Q agyy trncam....

x-kulnya trncam d tiadakn...

mua kgytn n organIsaSi trncam d bubarkand...

gag ikudh mua kgytand agstsan uga..!!!!

mua ne gra" wli mridh kls XII..
plit bgdh ceiihh..???


da nag iyank trkna suspect flu babi agy..


lindungi skulquw y Allah...



Maii SKulz..!!

Kamis, 30 Juli 2009


Thx to ALLAh..

udh ngsih umur sjauh ini ke aq..
mksih God..........

Kamis, 16 Juli 2009


MOS udh slsai...!!

seneng bgt..


kangen ma ka2k wakaba..

mreka krend..



pkkx T-O-P abs deh..

kngen dmrahi tatib jja..


krendz. abies.!!!!!!!!!1

luv uw full...

Jumat, 10 Juli 2009



Q muridh SMA ckrg..!!!

Gag nygka bgt dweh...



Senin, 06 Juli 2009

Thx GOD....

Dear GOd..


bwt smwa ni..

mksih udah bwt yg trbaek bgi q...

Kamis, 02 Juli 2009



bru ckrg gw ngrasa bner2 jatuh kyk gni..!!
gw nyeselll bgt..!!

Tuhan emg adil kq,
qlw gag gni, q ga bkland prnh bs sdar..!!
Tankz GOD....

Sabtu, 13 Juni 2009


Sore ini begitu indah..


Aku hanya ingin menulis sedikit aja dari yang udah aku alami.

Karena aku merasa ga' akan terlalu kuat kalau terus memendamnya saja.
Aku kini terjebak dalam permainanku sendiri..

Aku kini merasa dia begitu jauh..
Padahal , dulu waktu kita putus, aku yakin bahwa ga' lama lagi dy bakalan balik ma aku,
Aku yakin bahwa ia akan ngejar-ngejar aku lagi.
Tapi aku salah..

Kini berbalik..

Aku yg memohon-mohon pada dy..

Dan dia memang tidak menyukaiku lagi..

But dia membenciku

Aku hanya bisa menyasal..

Selasa, 19 Mei 2009



Kata yg sudah sering kita dengar , namun agak sulit untuk mengekspresikannya lewat sebuah penjelasan.

Apakah itu antusiasme ?
Antusiasme adalah perasaan senang terhadap sesuatu sehingga kita merasa bersemangat dalam menjalani hal apapun itu.
Antusiasme cukup berdampak positif pada apapun yg kita kerjakan.
Antusiasme menjadikan kita lebih semangat mengerjakan sesuatu dan mengeksplor kemampuan kita dalam pekerjaan tersebut.

Hasilnya ?
Pasti sangat memuaskan, karena kita memaksimalkan kemampuan kita untuk menjadikan hal apapun itu agar menjadi klebih dari orang lain.

Antusiasme berlebihan ?
Owh.. Owh..
Kayknya jangan trerlalu deh..
Misal nih..
Jika kamu melakukan percakapan dengan orang lain, atau bahkan temanmu, dan kamu menunjukkan antusiasme yang berlebihan ..
Bukan tidak mungkin orang terse4but akn merasa terganggu atau bahkan temanmu bilang
"Please deh.. jangan lebay !! "

Mungkin juga jika kamu terlalu antusias dalam suatu hal, namun kamu gagal ..
Kamu jadi down dan hopeless banget..
Antusiasme itu bagus, bahkan sangat membantu,
Tapi kita harus menempatkannya sesuai ukuran.

Senin, 18 Mei 2009

10 Miliuner Dunia Yang Tidak Tamat SMU

Terlepas dari pentingnya pendidikan untuk mengasah kemampuan intelektual dan sosial kita, ternyata banyak juga loh oang-orang yang bisa sukses kendati, mereka tidak pernah lulus SMU. Siapa saja sih orang-orang ini? Gimana sih kisah mereka?

1. Quentin Tarantino
Penulis skenarion dan sutradara film ini beken dengan film-filmnya seperti,Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill Volume 1 dan 2, Reservoir Dogs, From Dusk Till Dawn dan masih banyak lagi yang lainnya. Ia lahir tanggal 27 Maret 1963 dan drop out dari sekolah pada kelas 9 ( kelas 3 SMP kalo di Indonesia). Tapi nyatanya, sekarang dia berhasil jadi penulis skenario nomor wahid di Hollywood.

2.Dave Thomas
Dave Thomas ini adalah pemilik jaringan restoran fast food "Wendy's". Dia dilahirkan tanggal 2 Juli 1932 di New Jersy. Dave Thomas memperoleh pekerjaan pertamanya pada usia 12 tahun dan keluar dari sekolah pada usia 15. Pada tahun 1956, ia berjumpa dengan Col. Sanders dan memutuskan untuk menginvestasikan uangnya di Kentuky Fried Chiken. Alhasil ia menjadi miliuner pada usia 35 tahun. Di tahun 1969 Dave membuka restoran Wendy's yang pertama dan berkembang sampai sekarang. Ia meninggal di Florida pada tahun 2002 yang lalu akibat penyakit cacar.

3.Johnny Depp

Wah pasti pada kenal semua yah sama pemeran film Edward Scissor hands, Secret Window, Blow, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory dan Jack Sparrow di Pirates of Carribean ini. Johnny Depp dilahirkan pada tanggal 9 Juni tahun 1963. Orang tuanya bercerai pada saat ia berusia 16 tahun, dan segera setelah itu Johnny memutuskan untuk keluar dari sekolah. Ia kemudian sukses menjadi bintang film dan membuka sebuah night club bernama "“Viper Room”

4.Nicholas Cage
Nicholas Cage terkenal lewat film-filmnya seperti Face Off, Gone in 60 Seconds, Rumble Fish and Fast Times at Ridgemont High dan lain-lain. Pada usia 17 tahun ia dikeluarkan dari Beverly High. Tapi nyatanya, ia berhasil menduduki urutan ke 37 pada Premiere's 100 Most Powerful People in Hollywood di 1998. Dari tahun 1983 sampai 2004 Nicholas Cage telah mengumpulkan $76,285,000 hanya dari 12 filmnya.

5.Christina Aguilera
Ia dilahirkan di Staten Island pada bulan Desember 1980. Ia dikeluarkan oleh ibunya pada masa awal SMU gara-gara anak-anak lain iri pada ketenarannya. Walaupun demikian, saat ini Christina Aguilera telah menjula lebih dari 25 juta kopi albumnya di seluruh dunia.

6.Jim Carrey
Jim Carrey dilahirkan pada tanggal 17 Januari, 1962 di Newmarket, Ontario Canada. Pada usianya yang ke 16 ia dikeluarkan dari sekolah. Namun kenyataannya Pria kocak ini malah beken lewat film-filmnya seperti;Ace Venture, Brue Almighty, Number 23, Man on the Moon dan lain-lain. Pria Canada yang gak tamat sekolah ini, memenangi 2 Golden Globes, memiliki jet pribadi seharga $25 juta dan telah menghasilkan lebiha dari $100,000,000 antara tahun 1994 sampai 2003 hanya denga membintangi 11 film.

7.John Travolta
John Travolta wdilahirkan pada tanggal 18 Februari 1954 di Englewood, New Jersey. Travolta keluar dari sekolah pada usia 16 tahun dan mencari peruntungan di bidang perfilman. Travolta sukse lewat film-filmnya seperti;Look Who's Talking, Saturday Night Fever, Grease, Wild Hogs, Face Off dan lain-lain. Antara tahun 1994 sampai 2007 John Travolta telah meraup lebih dari $100,000,000 dalam 15 films.

8.Chris Rock
Chris Rock dilahirkan pada tanggal 7 February 1966 di Andrews South, California.Rock emutuskan untuk keluar dari sekolah pada usia 17 tahun demi mengejar impiannya menjadi seorang comedian. Chris Rock menjadi terkenal setelah membintangi berbagai film dan acara televisi seperti; CB4, Down To Earth dan “Everybody Hates Chris”.

9.Tom Petty
Tom Petty terenal sebagai salah satu personil grup band “Tom Petty and the Heart Breakers”.Ia keluar dari sekolah pada usianya yang ke tujuh belas, dan bergabung dengan band pertamanya “Mud crutch”. Setelah bertahun-tahun menulis lagu dan memproduksi album, namanya diabadikan dalam "the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame" pada tahun 2002.

10.Joe Pesci
Bintang fiml dan peraih Oscar ini dilahirkan pada tanggal 9 February, 1943 di Newark, New Jersey. Joe keluar dari sekolah anatara usia 15-18 tahun. Ia menjadi terkenal melalui perannya dalam film-film gangster seperti; Good Fellows, Casino, Raging Bull, Home Alone dan lain-lain. Pada tahun 1998 Joe Pesci meraup $3,000,000 hanya dengan berperan dalam film Lethal Weapon.

Minggu, 10 Mei 2009

Salah satu anugerah dari tuhan adalah cinta, ia ada di dalam setiap diri manusia, karna itu ia bersifat universal. Ia berkaitan dengan aspek terdalam pada diri manusia karma itu akal kita takkan mampu memahami hakikatnya dengan kata lain, cinta hanya untuk dirasakan bukan untuk dipikirkan. Sulit juga untuk dipungkiri bahwa cinta adalah salah satu kebutuhan hidup.

Cinta adalah suatu tema yang menarik untuk di bicarakan, ditulis, dan disyairkn ataupun juga bisa difilmkan. Banyak para tokoh ulama, psikologi, dan para filusuf, ribuan untaian syair nyanyian telah dirangkaikan oleh para penyair dunia. Semua kalangan mencoba mendefinisikan apa itu cinta.

Dalam setiap hembusan nafas kita, dalam setiap sel darah kita, dalam setiap unsur yang terkandung dalam butiran tanah, terdapat cinta ilahi yang tidak kita sadari dengan rahmat-Nya Allah telah memberikan manisnya rasa gula lewat lidah kita, kin tetpi sayang kita sering melupakannya atau tidak mensyukurinya. Sepandai-pandai kita bersyukur tetp takkan memdai sebagai ungkapan rasa terima kasih dikrnakn terlalu besarnya nikmat yang diberikan oleh tuhan. Cinta insani ini bersumber dari cinta yang pertama. Cinta antara laki-laki dan perempuan adalah bagaian dari cinta ilahi. Apapun yang kita rasakan tentang cinta, dalam cara dan tingkat apapun merupakan bagian kecila dari cinta Ilahi. Tetapi kadang-kadang kekasih menjadi tabir antra cinta dengan realitas cinta sejati. suatu hari tabir itu akan terangkat dimana tujuan dan kekasih sejati akan muncul dalam dalam semua keagungan Tuhan.

Mari bicara tentang cinta. Cinta. Cin-Ta. CINTA. C-I-N-T-A. apa sih yang bisa diketahui oleh sekumpulan huruf yang dikeramatkan hampir semua manusia yang masuk dalam tahap suka dengan taraf yang lebih rumit, lebih komplek, lebih sophisticated? Apa sih cinta itu, atau yang lebih sering disebut dalam bahasa inggrisnya LOVE?

Menurut situs Wikipedia yang dijadikan banyak acuan orang orang untuk mencari arti dari istilah istilah tertentu atau sekedar mencari informasi, LOVE "represents a range of human emotions and experiences related to the senses of affection and sexual attraction.[1] The word love can refer to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from generic pleasure to intense interpersonal attraction. This diversity of meanings, combined with the complexity of the the feelings involved, makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, even compared to other emotional states."

Fews….tuhkhan, bahkan diatas dibilang bahwa love itu sulit untuk diidntifikasikan. dan itu menghasilkan phenomena dimana istilah cinta atau love diartikan berbeda - beda antara individu. ada yang membuat definisi sendiri dan ada juga yang terjebak di dalam phrase yang sudah dibakukan secara umum seperti halnya cinta itu memberi tanpa mengharapkan sesuatu, cinta itu berkorban untuk seseorang agar dia bahagia, cinta itu pengertian antara dua individu, cinta itu ini dan itu, cinta itu bla bla bla, dan cinta itu…ya cinta…tidak bisa dideskripsikan. Untukku pribadi sih mungkin cuma bisa bilang bahwa cinta itu sederhana, tapi luar biasa.

Pertama aku akan bahas tentang apa itu cinta pertama?????? Cinta pertama adalah cinta yang datang pada pertama kali saat kita mengenal si dia. Awal perjumpaan dengan si dia kita merasa kalau jantung kita mau copot..maksudnya kita merasa gugup,salting,berwajah merah bahkan jantung kita berdebar-debar. Disaat kita tidak berjumpa dengan dia rasanya kita ingin banget ketemu. Bahkan bayangan si dia ada di dalam mimpi kita. Cinta pertama adalah cinta yang selalu kita kenang di dalam hati hingga kita tua dan cinta pertama dapat kita simpulkan dan kita ucap sewaktu kita masih hidup dalam arti cinta pertama dapat kita ungkapkan secara langsung dan kita simpulkan bahwa si dialah cinta pertama kita. Dan cinta pertama terkadng bersifat sementara untuk memilikinya.

Sekarang aku akan bahas tentang cinta sejati… Cinta sejati hampir mirip dengan cinta mati. Cinta sejati adalah cinta yang dimana kita akan merasa sangat cocok banget dengan si dia. Bahkan kita rela ngelakuin apa aja demi si dia. Cinta sejati adalah cinta yang secara tulus untuk memilikinya. Cinta sejati adalah cinta yang selalu dikenang oleh kita hingga kita menemui ajal kita nantinya. Cinta sejati dapat diungkap kalau si dia adalah cinta sejati kita saat kita menemui ajal kita karena cinta sejati itu adalah cinta yang dapat kita kenang hingga mati dan selalu abadi.

# Apakah kamu sudah menemikan cinta pertama & cinta sejatimu????

Minggu, 26 April 2009

Kau kan slalu tersimpan di Hatiku
Meski ragamu tak dapat ku miliki
Jiwaku ‘kan slalu bersamamu
Meski kau tercipta bukan untukku

Tuhan berikan aku hidup satu kali lagi
Hanya untuk bersamanya
Ku mencintainya sungguh mencintainya

Rasa ini sungguh tak wajar
Namun ku ingin tetap bersama dia
Untuk selamanya

Mengapa cinta ini terlarang
Saat ku yakini kaulah milikku
Mengapa cinta kita tak bisa bersatu
Saat ku yakin tak ada cinta selain dirimu

Aku yakin kok kalau sampai saat ini aku tetap menyayangimu....

Jumat, 24 April 2009

Aku nggak tahu berapa lama kaktus itu berbunga..
Pantaskah ia aku tunggu ?
Aku nggak tahu seberapa jauh komet itu melintas..
Pantaskah ia aku kejar ?
Yang aku tahu,,
Selama hidupku ini,,
Aku punya orang yang aku sayangi, aku hargai, dan aku pertahankan seumur hidupku..

Aku memang mencintainya..
Namun walupun ia tak bisa merasakannya, aku tetap akan menghargai dia sebesar dia menjaga perasaanku..
Dia memang indah, walaupun tak banyak yg menyadarinya,
Dia memang berbeda, walaupun tak banyak yang menoleh kepadanya,

Tapi, aku rasa, aku tahu perasaanku,
Aku tak akan mengharap lebih kepadanya..
Karna ,, aku sudah lebih dari cukup bahagia untuk melihat dia tersenyum dengan dunianya

Aku pun tahu bahwa ini terlalu menyakitkan,
Dengan hanya melihatnya dari jauh..
Menatap senyumnya........

Aku pun telah lebih banyak tahu tentang cinta
Bahwa sekalipun ia tak dapat aku raih,
Aku tetap bahagia.

Tapi, bagaimana kalau seandainya aku berpisah darinya Tuhan ..???
Apakah aku akan sanggup ..??
Aku gak tahu lagi alasan apa yang membuat aku tersenyum padanya.
Kenapa selalu ada perpisahan ..??
Aku membencinya..
Aku tak ingin ia ada karna aku terpisah dari orang yang aku pertahanin, dari sahabatku..

Senin, 20 April 2009

bntar lagi UAn..



helP Me..

qUwh CM iGn, lulUZ Dgn hSIL y6 NYeNENGIN,
_Bsa mSUK skuL Y6 q HarepiN...



Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Quidditch adalah sebuah olahraga fiktif dalam seri novel Harry Potter. Permainan ini berasal dari rawa queerditch.


Ada tujuh pemain dalam permainan ini yaitu:

  • Keeper
Keeper bertugas menjaga 3 gawang yang berbentuk lingkaran di ujung tiang berukuran 15 m.
  • Dua beater
Beater bertugas menjaga para pemain dalam tim masing-masing dari bludger dengan memukulnya. Terkadang beater juga memukul bludger ke arah pemain di tim lawannya sehingga pemain di tim lawannya itu terjatuh dari sapu.
  • Tiga chaser
Chaser bertugas mencetak gol bagi tim masing-masing. Setiap seorang chaser berhasil memasukkan quaffle ke dalam lingkaran di ujung tiang yang dijaga keeper lawan, akan diberikan 10 poin bagi timnya masing-masing.
  • Seeker
Seeker bertugas mencari Golden Snitch. Bila salah satu seeker berhasil menangkap snitch, maka tim dari seeker yang berhasil mendapatkan snitch itu akan mendapatkan 150 poin. Dan saat itu juga permainan dianggap selesai. Permainan tidak akan selesai hingga salah seorang seeker mendapatkan atau berhasil menangkap snitch.

Bola dalam Quidditch

Ada tiga bola yang digunakan dalam permainan ini yaitu:

  • Bludger
Bludger adalah bola berwarna hitam legam dari metal yang sudah disihir untuk menjatuhkan para pemain dari sapunya.
  • Golden Snitch
Golden Snitch atau biasa disebut Snitch saja adalah bola emas bersayap yang dapat terbang dengan kecepatan super tinggi dan dapat berputar 360 derajat.
  • Quaffle
Quaffle adalah bola biasa berwarna merah, yang tidak diberi mantra apapun seperti bola lainnya dalam Quidditch. Satu-satunya mantra yang diberikan pada Quaffle adalah Mantra Genggam yang ditemukan oleh Pennifold, yang gunanya supaya pemain dapat mengenggam Quaffle dengan satu tangan tanpa terjatuh.

Harry Potter sebagai pemain Quidditch

Sejak tahun pertamanya di Hogwarts, Harry Potter berperan sebagai seeker di timnya, Gryffindor.

Tim Quidditch Profesional

  • Appleby Arrows
  • Ballycastle Bats
  • Caerphilly Catapults
  • Chudley Cannons
  • Falmouth Falcons
  • Holyhead Harpies
  • Kenmare Kestrels
  • Montrose Magpies
  • Pride of Portree
  • Puddlemere United
  • Tutshill Tornados
  • Wigtown Wanderers
  • Wimbourne Wasps (Ludovic Bagman: Beater)


Twilight (seri novel)

Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Langsung ke: navigasi, cari
''Twilight series
Berkas:Twilight Saga Collection.jpg
Penulis Stephenie Meyer
Negara Amerika Serikat
Bahasa Inggris telah diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia
Genre Romansa ,Horror,
Penerbit Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Tanggal terbit

Twilight adalah sebuah seri novel karya Stephenie Meyer. Seri ini menggambarkan tentang tokoh utamanya, yaitu Isabella "Bella" Swan, seorang remaja yang pindah ke kota Forks, Washington yang kehidupannya berubah ketika ia bertemu dengan Edward Cullen, seorang vampir 'vegetarian'(tidak minum darah manusia). Seluruh isi seri Twilight itu diceritakan melalui sudut pandang Bella Swan dengan pengecualian epilognya Eclipse dan novel Breaking Dawn.


Seri Twilight itu terdiri atas empat novel, yaitu 'Twilight', 'New Moon', 'Eclipse' dan 'Breaking Dawn'. Adapun ' Midnight Sun' adalah sebuah cerita paralel dari Twilight yang diceritakan melalui sudut pandang Edward Cullen.

Jalan Cerita


Bella Swan baru saja pindah dari Phoenix, Arizona yang mayoritas bercuaca panas ke Forks, Washington yang mayoritas cuacanya hujan untuk tinggal bersama ayahnya, Charlie, setelah ibunya, Renée, menikah dan tinggal bersama suami barunya, Phil, seorang pemain bisbol. Setelah pindah ke Forks, Bella akhirnya tertarik pada seorang pemuda misterius yang tampan, yang merupakan teman sekelasnya di pelajaran Biologi, Edward Cullen, yang ternyata merupakan seorang vampir vegetarian (vampir yang meminum darah hewan, bukan manusia). Edward mempunyai kemampuan seperti halnya vampir yang lain (kuat, cepat, apabila terkena matahari langsung maka tubuhnya berkilauan dan pada saat tertentu matanya dapat berubah warna)selain itu edward juga mempunyai sebuah bakat untuk dapat membaca pikiran orang lain. Pada awalnya, Edward berusaha menjauhi Bella karena Edward selalu merasa tergoda jika menghirup aroma darah Bella. Akan tetapi lama kelamaan akhirnya Edward dapat mengatasi masalah tersebut dan kemudian mereka pun jatuh cinta satu sama lain, yang membuat sekolah membicarakan mereka. Suatu ketika, Bella diajak untuk melihat keluarga Cullen bermain bisbol. Tanpa disangka, tiba-tiba datanglah sekelompok vampir nomaden yang terdiri dari James (vampir dengan bakat melacak), Victoria (vampir dengan insting melarikan diri yang luar biasa hebat dan merupakan pasangan dari James), serta Lauren. Begitu bertemu dengan Bella, James sudah mulai mengincar darah Bella. Semua anggota keluarga Cullen bersatu untuk menyelamatkan Bella. Bella melarikan diri ke Phoenix, Arizona bersama Alice (vampir dengan bakat melihat masa depan) dan Jasper (vampir dengan bakat mengendalikan perasaan di sekitarnya dan merupakan pasangan dari Alice). Saat kabur ke Phoenix, Bella dijebak oleh James. Untungnya Edward dan keluarganya segera menyadari hilangnya Bella dan segera bergegas untuk pergi menyelamatkan Bella. Edward tiba tepat pada waktunya dan berhasil menyelamatkan Bella, setelah itu mereka segera kembali ke Forks dan mengikuti acara prom yang diselenggrakan oleh sekolah mereka.

[sunting] New Moon

Edward dan keluarganya meninggalkan Forks karena Edward percaya bahwa mereka dapat menempatkan Bella dalam bahaya. Bella jatuh dalam depresi berat, sampai akhirnya ia menemukan sahabat baru yang merupakan seorang werewolf, Jacob Black. Jacob dan werewolf lain dari sukunya harus melindungi Bella dari Victoria, vampir yang berusaha membalas dendam akibat kematian pasangannya, James, dengan berusaha membunuh Bella, yang merupakan pasangan Edward Cullen yang telah membunuh pasangannya. Akibat suatu kesalah pahaman, Edward menyangka Bella sudah meninggal karena bunuh diri. Edward pun memutuskan untuk menyusul Bella dengan meminta sekeluarga vampir senior di Volterra, Italy, tapi kemudian dihentikan oleh Bella dan Alice yang menyusul Edward ke Volterra, Italy. Mereka bertemu dengan Klan Volturi dan mereka segara dibebaskan untuk pergi asalkan Bella harus menjadi vampir suatu saat nanti. Bella dan Edward bertemu kembali, dan Keluarga Cullen kembali ke Forks.


Sang vampir Victoria telah membuat suatu pasukan "vampir baru" untuk melawan Keluarga Cullen dan membunuh Bella. Sementara itu, Bella harus memilih antara hubungannya dengan Edward atau persahabatannya dengan Jacob. Keluarga vampir Edward dan Geng werewolf Jacob bekerja sama dan sukses membasmi Victoria beserta pasukkannya. Akhirnya, Bella memilih Edward dibandingkan Jacob. Jacob pun marah mengetahui pilihan Bella yang memutuskan untuk menjadi vampir. Namun akhirnya ia merelakan hubungan Edward dengan Bella. Jacob dan yang lainnya tidak diketahui lanjutannya lagi.

Breaking Dawn

Bella dan Edward menikah, tapi bulan madu mereka terpotong setelah Bella mengetahui bahwa dirinya hamil. Kehamilannya berjalan amat cepat dan membuat Bella menjadi lemah. Ia hampir meninggal saat melahirkan putrinya yang setengah manusia dan setengah vampir, Renesmee, tetapi Edward menyuntikkan Bella dengan racunnya agar tetap hidup dan berubah menjadi vampir. Seorang vampir dari klan lain melihat Renesmee dan menyangkanya sebagai "immortal child"--anak yang telah digigit oleh vampir, dimana melawan pereturan vampir, kemudian ia menginformasikannya kepada Klan Volturi. Keluarga Cullen mengumpulkan vampir-vampir yang dapat menjadi saksi bahwa Reneesme bukan "immortal child". Keluarga Cullen dan para saksi mata berhasil meyakinkan para Volturi bahwa Renesmee bukan merupakan ancaman, dan mereka hidup tenteram.

Tokoh Utama

Bella Swan—Adalah tokoh protagonis dari seri ini, Bella digambarkan sebagai gadis ceroboh dan "Magnet Bahaya". Ia juga diceritakan selalu memiliki rasa percaya diri yang rendah dan selalu merasa tak pantas di sisi Edward. Bella memiliki mata dan rambut berwana kecoklatan. Ia imun terhadap kekuatan supernatural yang berkaitan dengan pikirannya, seperti kemampuan Edward untuk membaca pikiran. Setelah ia bertransformasi menjadi vampir di buku keempat, Bella mendapat kekuatan yang dapat membuat perlindungan bagi dirnya sendiri maupun orang di sekitarnya menjadi imun terhadap berbagai kekuatan supernatural lainnya.

Edward Cullen—Edward adalah seorang vampir yang hidup di dalam Keluarga Cullen, mereka adalah vampir yang "vegetarian". Edward digambarkan memiliki rasa benci yang luar biasa pada Jacob Black yang juga mencintai Bella. Dalam Breaking Dawn, ia mulai menganggap Jacob sebagai saudara dan juga teman. Seperti vampir lainnya, Edawrd juga memiliki kemampuan khusus; ia dapat membaca pikiran orang lain. Bella imun terhadap kekuatannya ini, namun setelah berubah menjadi vampir, Bella dapat meruntuhkan pertahannannya tersebut.

Jacob Black—Adalah karakter pendukung di dalam novel pertama, Jacob diperkenalkan sebagai anggota dari suku Quileute. Ia muncul kembali dalam New Moon dengan peranan lebih besar, menjadi werewolf dan sahabat baik Bella yang dimana saat itu sedang mengalami depresi akibat ditinggalkan Edward. Meskipun ia jatuh cinta pada Bella, Bella mengangapnya hanya sebatas kawan baik. Di dalam Eclipse Bella sadar bahwa ia juga mencintai Jacob meskipun tak sebesar rasa cintanya pada Edward. Dalam Breaking Dawn, Jacob akhirnya menemukan belahan jiwanya yaitu putri dari Bella dan Edward, Renesmee, hal ini yang membuat sakit hati pada diri Bella.

Minggu, 19 April 2009

_bEllAtrIX lEsTRanGE

Bellatrix Lestrange

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Bellatrix Lestrange (née Black)
Biographical information



May 2, 1998

Blood status




Physical description




Hair color


Eye colour


Family information
Family members
Magical characteristics

Walnut, 12¾", dragon heartstring



"...his last, best lieutenant..."
—Description of Bellatrix Lestrange[src]

Bellatrix Lestrange (née Black) (1951 - 2 May 1998) also known as Bella, was a pure-blood witch and Death Eater who was fanatically loyal to Lord Voldemort. She was one of the few females in the group, as well as among the most dangerous. At the end of the First Wizarding War, Bellatrix and her husband, Rodolphus Lestrange, tortured Aurors Alice and Frank Longbottom to the point of insanity, along with fellow Death Eaters Rabastan Lestrange and Barty Crouch Jr. Bellatrix was sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban for the crime, but escaped in the 1996 mass break-out. She participated in several battles of the Second Wizarding War, making it a particular goal to kill any relatives who were members of the Order of the Phoenix, including her cousin Sirius Black and niece Nymphadora Tonks. Bellatrix's life of violence and malice was eventually ended when she was killed by Molly Weasley during the Battle of Hogwarts.


Early Life

"...dear Bellatrix, who likes to play with her food before she eats it."
Albus Dumbledore on Bellatrix.[src]

Bellatrix was born in 1951 to Cygnus and Druella Black, who raised her to prize her pure-blood heritage. She was the oldest sister to Andromeda and Narcissa[1], though Bellatrix cut off contact with the former when Andromeda married Muggle-born wizard Ted Tonks and was disowned, as she told Lord Voldemort in 1997 that neither she nor Narcissa had "set eyes on our sister since she married the Mudblood"[2]. Bellatrix also held her cousin Sirius Black in contempt for being a Gryffindor and a "blood traitor".

Bellatrix attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into the Slytherin House. She eventually married Rodolphus Lestrange — a fellow pure-blood, as was expected of her — and when Lord Voldemort first rose to power, she and her husband joined the Death Eaters. Unlike her sisters, Bellatrix displayed no outward affection for her husband whatsoever, never even mentioning him in conversation. Her true love was Voldemort[3], who gave her some training in the Dark Arts, which contributed to her incredible talent as a duelist.[4]

First Wizarding War and Imprisonment

Bellatrix in her cell in Azkaban.
Bellatrix in her cell in Azkaban.
"The Dark Lord will rise again, Crouch! Throw us into Azkaban; we will wait! He will rise again and will come for us, he will reward us beyond any of his other supporters! We alone were faithful! We alone tried to find him!"
—Bellatrix at her trial[src]

Bellatrix and Rodolphus fought in the First Wizarding War on the side of Voldemort. After the Dark Lord's fall in 1981, Bellatrix and a group of Death Eaters, including her husband, brother-in-law and Barty Crouch Jr., captured Aurors and Order of the Phoenix members Alice and Frank Longbottom. Bellatrix and her associates used the Cruciatus Curse to torture them into insanity, a crime for which they were tried before the Wizengamot and sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban. Bellatrix was considered to be so high security that she was chained to the walls of her cell once entering it for the first time. Unlike many other Death Eaters, Bellatrix not only did not attempt to lie about her loyalty — she proudly proclaimed that she was loyal to the Dark Lord and that she would wait for his return. During her trial, Bellatrix was chained to a chair upon which she sat as if it were a throne, so proud was she to be a servant of Voldemort.[5] She would later describe herself as his "most loyal servant".[4]

[edit] Second Wizarding War

Bellatrix in the 1996 Azkaban escape.
Bellatrix in the 1996 Azkaban escape.

Escape from Azkaban

When Voldemort returned in 1995, he stated that the Lestranges were among the most faithful members of his inner circle. In January of 1996, Bellatrix was one of the many Death Eaters who escaped from Azkaban and rejoined Voldemort when the Dementors defected to the Dark Lord.[4]

[edit] Battle of the Department of Mysteries

"Shut your mouth! You dare speak his name with your unworthy lips, you dare besmirch it with your half-blood's tongue, you dare -"
—Bellatrix to Harry Potter in the Department of Mysteries when he uses Voldemort's name.[src]

Bellatrix in the Department of Mysteries.
Bellatrix in the Department of Mysteries.

Later that year, Bellatrix participated in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries in a bid to steal a prophecy regarding Harry Potter and Voldemort, as second-in-command to Lucius Malfoy. She became enraged when Harry spoke Voldemort's name and told her that he was a half-blood. Later, she briefly tortured Neville Longbottom with the Cruciatus Curse to try to coerce Harry into handing over the prophecy. It was clear that, given the chance, she would have enjoyed further torturing Neville to further punish his parents.

When the Order of the Phoenix arrived, Bellatrix dueled and defeated her niece, Nymphadora Tonks, and then began fighting her cousin, Sirius Black, who taunted her as they dueled. She knocked him through a veiled stone arch in the Death Chamber, killing him. She then defeated Kingsley Shacklebolt in a duel and deflected a spell from Albus Dumbledore, fleeing. She was pursued by Harry, whom she taunted over his godfather's death. Harry was enraged to the point that he attempted the Cruciatus Curse on her. He only succeeded in knocking her down, however. She then shouted at him that one had to mean it to use the Unforgivable Curses.

"Never used an Unforgivable Curse before, have you, boy? You need to mean them, Potter. You need to really want to cause pain - to enjoy it - righteous anger won't hurt me for long - I'll show you how it is done, shall I? I'll give you a lesson - Crucio!"
—Bellatrix to Harry Potter[src]

Voldemort then arrived, and he and Dumbledore began to duel in the Ministry Atrium. Bellatrix was pinned to the floor by the statue through a spell of Dumbledore's while her master fought. After trying to possess Harry and being spotted by Ministry officials, Voldemort fled, taking Bellatrix with him as he Disapparated.[4]

Plot Against Dumbledore

Bellatrix sealing the Unbreakable Vow between Narcissa and Snape.
Bellatrix sealing the Unbreakable Vow between Narcissa and Snape.
"...I don't trust you, Snape, as you very well know!... Where were you when the Dark Lord fell? Why did you never make any attempt to find him when he vanished? What have you been doing all these years that you've lived in Dumbledore's pocket? Why did you not return at once when the Dark Lord was reborn? Where were you a few weeks ago when we battled to retrieve the prophecy for the Dark Lord? And why, Snape, is Harry Potter still alive, when you have had him at your mercy for the last five years?"
—Bellatrix questions Severus Snape[src]

In July of 1996, Bellatrix accompanied her sister Narcissa Malfoy to the house of Severus Snape at Spinner's End, though reluctantly. Once there, Bellatrix interrogated Snape and voiced her distrust of him. Narcissa, however, proceeded to beg Snape to look after her son Draco's welfare while he attended Hogwarts and tried to fulfill Voldemort's command that he kill Albus Dumbledore. Snape shocked Bellatrix by asking her to bind him and Narcissa with an Unbreakable Vow to assist Draco. Bellatrix also assisted her nephew in his task by teaching him Occlumency, and told her sister that she should be proud, instead of worried, that her son was not "shrinking away from his duty".[6]

[edit] Malfoy Manor

Bellatrix during a Death Eater attack.
Bellatrix during a Death Eater attack.
Bellatrix: "My Lord, it is an honour to have you here, in our family’s house. There can be no higher pleasure."
Lord Voldemort: "No higher pleasure... That means a great deal, Bellatrix, from you."
Bellatrix: "My Lord knows I speak nothing but the truth!"
— Bellatrix's delight at Voldemort staying at Malfoy Manor[src]

A year later, Bellatrix was living with Narcissa at Malfoy Manor so that she could be closer to Voldemort. She was the only resident of the manor that was actually pleased that he was staying there. When Voldemort humiliated the Malfoys by bringing up their relative Nymphadora Tonks' marriage to werewolf Remus Lupin, Bellatrix eagerly told her master that she would "prune her family tree". When the Death Eaters subsequently attacked the Order of the Phoenix while they were removing Harry Potter from his relatives' home, Bellatrix and her husband targeted Tonks. Rodolphus was injured in the pursuit, and Tonks escaped.

Soon afterwards, a copy of the Sword of Gryffindor was secured in Bellatrix's family vault at Gringotts Wizarding Bank on Voldemort's orders, but nobody knew at the time it was merely a copy. Thus, when in 1998 Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger were captured by Snatchers and brought to the Manor with the real sword, Bellatrix panicked. She accidentally revealed that her vault also contained another of Voldemort's Horcruxes: Helga Hufflepuff's Cup. Bellatrix interrogated Hermione and tortured her with the Cruciatus Curse, but Hermione managed to lie, claiming it was only a copy.[2]

"You’re lying, filthy Mudblood, and I know it! You have been inside my vault at Gringotts! Tell the truth, tell the truth! What else did you take? What else have you got? Tell me the truth or, I swear, I shall run you through with this knife! What else did you take, what else? ANSWER ME! CRUCIO!"
—overheard parts of Bellatrix’s interrogation of Hermione Granger[src]

Bellatrix also threatened Hermione with a short knife, after Harry and Ron escaped from the cellar with the assistance of Dobby and Ron disarmed her. While holding the knife to an unconscious Hermione's throat, Bellatrix demanded that the boys drop their wands, and then pressed her Dark Mark, calling Voldemort. However, Dobby reappeared and caused the chandelier to fall from above Bellatrix's head, prompting her to release Hermione and jump out of the way. As the house-elf Disapparated with Harry, Bellatrix threw the knife at him, striking Dobby through the chest and killing him. She and her relatives were severely punished by Voldemort for allowing Harry to escape. Bellatrix also lost her wand in the skirmish.

Not long afterwards, Hermione used some of Bellatrix's hair, which had fallen onto her clothes while Bellatrix held her hostage, to create Polyjuice Potion to impersonate Bellatrix. This made it possible for her, Harry and Ron to steal the Horcrux from the Lestranges' vault.[2]

[edit] Battle of Hogwarts

Bellatrix using the Killing Curse.
Bellatrix using the Killing Curse.
Bellatrix: "What will happen to your children when I've killed you? When Mummy's gone the same way as Freddie?"
Molly: "You - will - never - touch - our - children - again!"
— Bellatrix duels Molly Weasley[src]

Bellatrix was a fanatically devoted Death Eater, whose lifetime of wickedness and debauchery culminated in the murder of Nymphadora Tonks, her estranged sister's daughter, during the Battle of Hogwarts in 1998[3]. When Voldemort called a temporary retreat, waiting for Harry Potter to turn himself in, Bellatrix waited by his side; she offered her help when he was dazed after using the Killing Curse on Harry, but was coldly rebuffed. When the Death Eaters marched back to Hogwarts with a "dead" Harry, she laughed at Minerva McGonagall's cry of pain.

When the battle resumed, Bellatrix fought Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood all at once, just as her master fought three by himself. Her reckless and wanton use of threats ultimately caused her death. After nearly hitting Ginny with a Killing Curse, she herself was killed by Ginny's mother Molly, who Bellatrix did not take seriously; instead, she taunted Molly over the death of her son Fred earlier in battle and laughed at her. This allowed Molly to hit Bellatrix over the heart, killing her. After she toppled to the ground, Voldemort was enraged and turned on Molly, which led to Harry Potter revealing himself to be alive, for the final showdown.[2]

Physical appearance

Bellatrix's mugshot
Bellatrix's mugshot

Bellatrix Lestrange was described as a tall, beautiful woman with long, thick, shining black hair. She had thin lips, dark, heavy-lidded eyes, and a strong jaw. She had the classic 'great good looks' and arrogant bearing common for members of the House of Black, but like her cousin Sirius, time in Azkaban took a toll on her appearance. After her lengthy imprisonment, she was described as having a gaunt and skull-like face.[4] Bellatrix was noted to physically resemble her cousin Sirius and her sister Andromeda[2].

edit Personality and Traits

"My deranged cousin..."
Sirius Black discussing Bellatrix[src]

Bellatrix was an intensely sadistic witch who at certain points seems mentally unbalanced; for instance, she once killed a fox because she was paranoid it might be an Auror in disguise.[6] Bellatrix could be easily distracted and had a fierce and dangerous temper, a trait that she shared with her cousin Sirius and her aunt Walburga.

She was fanatically devoted to Voldemort, believing that she proved her loyalty by her time in Azkaban, which seems to have furthered her mental decline. She was one of Voldemort's cruelest Death Eaters, always eager to inflict the Cruciatus Curse on enemies, and believed she was his most trusted and loyal follower; indeed, Harry believed that Bellatrix was as "mad as her master". Bellatrix was a steadfast believer in the supremacy of blood purity, as was taught to her by her family, and seemed particularly eager to kill her own family members if they violated this ideology.[4]

Bellatrix threatening Neville Longbottom.
Bellatrix threatening Neville Longbottom.
Lord Voldemort: "Many of our oldest family trees become a little diseased over time. You must prune yours, must you not, to keep it healthy? Cut away those parts that threaten the health of the rest."
Bellatrix: "Yes, my Lord. At the first chance!"
Lord Voldemort: "You shall have it. And in your family, so in the world…we shall cut away the canker that infects us until only those of the true blood remain…"
Voldemort discussing the marriage of Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin to humiliate the Malfoys[src]

Bellatrix was a natural leader and took charge in tricky situations, such as during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries and the Battle of Malfoy Manor. Another mark of her decisiveness and ruthlessness, Bellatrix took no unnecessary prisoners, preferring to kill them instead, as she planned to do with a group of Snatchers who attempted to defy her in Malfoy Manor in 1998.[2]

Magical Abilities and Skills

Bellatrix in the Department of Mysteries.
Bellatrix in the Department of Mysteries.
"She was a witch, as Harry knew, with prodigious skill and no conscience."
Harry Potter on Bellatrix[src]

Bellatrix was a very talented and powerful witch, an expert in the Dark Arts, an extremely skilled duelist, and an Occlumens. Her incredible skill was proven by her many victories over other talented wizards and witches.

Dark Arts Mastery: Bellatrix claimed to have been trained in the Dark Arts by Voldemort himself, and displayed a particular proficiency with, and affinity for, the Cruciatus Curse. She boasted to have knowledge of Dark spells that few could comprehend the power of[4]; a claim supported by her status as Voldemort's "best lieutenant". Like her master, Bellatrix was known to cast the Killing Curse with particular skill and with no regard for the life she wished to exstinguish.[6][2]

Expert Duelist: Bellatrix defeated Aurors Nymphadora Tonks and Kingsley Shacklebolt in duels during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, as well as her cousin Sirius, and was the only Death Eater to deflect a bolt from Albus Dumbledore himself, allowing her to escape the renowned wizard[4]. She also quickly and single-handedly defeated four Snatchers and Fenrir Greyback, and later killed her niece in battle. Just before her death, Bellatrix dueled Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood and Ginny Weasley all at once and was described as being equal in power to all three of the talented if inexperienced witches. It is likely that her death at the hands of Molly Weasley was due to her underestimating the witch, who was fueled by grief over the murder of her son, and the fact that Harry Potter's sacrifice of himself gave some protection to the soldiers on his side.[2] In addition, despite her years of captivity within Azkaban, Bellatrix displayed incredible reflexes that outmatched the much younger and physically fit Harry Potter; she was able to conjure a Shield Charm and deflect his own spell back at him the moment he cast it.[4]

Occlumency/Legilimency Expert: Bellatrix trained her nephew Draco Malfoy in Occlumency as part of his mission to kill Dumbledore, and thus was likely a Legilimens as well.[6]


Lord Voldemort

Bellatrix and Lord Voldemort.
Bellatrix and Lord Voldemort.
"Potter, you cannot win against me! I was and am the Dark Lord's most loyal servant, I learned the Dark Arts from him, and I know spells of such power that you, pathetic little boy, can never hope to compete..."
—Bellatrix boasts to Harry Potter about her relationship with Voldemort[src]

Lord Voldemort was unquestionably the most important person in Bellatrix's life. She was both in love with him and sexually attracted to him[3]; she is described as regarding him with "worshipful fascination" and speaking to him as if to a lover[2]. He did not reciprocate, as Voldemort did not know love at all, but he considered Bellatrix among his most valuable and loyal Death Eaters. He trained her in the Dark Arts and when she was killed by Molly Weasley in the final battle, Voldemort was furious. Unlike many other Death Eaters, Bellatrix never attempted to deny her loyalties when Voldemort fell in 1981, instead proudly claiming that she was his most loyal and trusted servant and that he would rise again[5].

Bellatrix was slavishly devoted to Voldemort and flew into a mad rage if she ever felt he was being insulted, such as when she screamed at Harry Potter for using his name[4]. When he praised her in Malfoy Manor in 1997, Bellatrix's face "flooded with colour" and "her eyes welled with tears of delight". Voldemort then turned this into humiliating her and the Malfoys for being related to werewolf Remus Lupin by marriage, which seemed to make Bellatrix even more determined to kill her niece, Nymphadora Tonks. She was also intensely afraid of Voldemort's displeasure, begging him for forgiveness when the prophecy he sought was smashed in 1996 and screaming at her brother-in-law not to call him when she saw that Godric Gryffindor's Sword was not where Voldemort had instructed her to ensure it was.

Rodolphus Lestrange

In marrying Rodolphus Lestrange, Bellatrix made a "respectable pure-blood marriage"[4], as was expected of her. There is no indication that her relationship with her husband went beyond this, as Bellatrix loved Voldemort and never expressed any affection or concern for her husband. They were both Death Eaters and seemed to work together in this role, as Rodolphus tortured Frank and Alice Longbottom with his wife, as well as his brother and Barty Crouch Jr in 1981[5], and was paired with Bellatrix during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries[4]. He was also by her side during the Battle over Little Whinging, as Nymphadora Tonks mentioned cursing him and being pursued by Bellatrix[2]. Rodolphus's feelings for his wife are unknown.

The Lestranges apparently never had any children, as Bellatrix once told her sister that if she had sons, she would "be glad to give them up to the service of the Dark Lord!"[6] Also, no children appear beneath Bellatrix and Rodolphus's names on the Black family tapestry.

[edit] Family

Bellatrix's cousin Sirius being pushed to his death by Bellatrix's curse.
Bellatrix's cousin Sirius being pushed to his death by Bellatrix's curse.

Bellatrix took the pure-blood values of her family very seriously, as indicated by her proper marriage and belief in Death Eater ideology. She seems to have had a fairly close and affectionate relationship with her younger sister, Narcissa, whom she called "Cissy". Despite distrusting Severus Snape and trying to persuade her sister otherwise, Bellatrix accompanied her to go see him to request that he help Draco in 1996. Narcissa and Bellatrix occasionally clashed over the former's protectiveness towards her son; Bellatrix argued that Narcissa should be proud that her son was a Death Eater. She seemed quite indifferent to the dangers her nephew would face, though she did train him in Occlumency to aid him in his mission.[6]

"Come out, come out, little Harry! What did you come after me for, then? I thought you were here to avenge my dear cousin!.... Did you love him, little baby Potter?"
—Bellatrix taunts Harry about killing Sirius[src]

On the other hand, Bellatrix hated her "blood traitor" relatives. After her sister Andromeda married a Muggle-born and was disowned, Bellatrix never saw her again[2]. She loathed her "dear cousin" Sirius Black; a mutual feeling. The two taunted each other as they dueled during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, and after killing him, Bellatrix mocked Harry Potter about it.[4] Bellatrix also eagerly attacked her niece, Nymphadora Tonks, on at least three occasions — this was likely for a combination of reasons, including Tonks' being a half-blood, an Auror and member of the Order of the Phoenix, and Voldemort's comments to her about "pruning her family tree". Bellatrix eventually killed Tonks.


Bellatrix after being freed from Azkaban.
Bellatrix after being freed from Azkaban.

Like many members of the House of Black, Bellatrix's name is derived from that of a star. Bellatrix is the third brightest star in the constellation Orion; it is also known as the Amazon Star, and means "female warrior" in Latin. This is presumably an allusion to Bellatrix Lestrange being among the most dangerously skilled Death Eaters.

Behind the scenes

Bellatrix battling someone at Great Hall of Hogwarts Castle in 1996.
Bellatrix battling someone at Great Hall of Hogwarts Castle in 1996.